Welcome to the Warburton Website, home of the Warburton One-Name Study (registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies), the Warburton Surname DNA Project, and the Warburton Society.

This website contains the results of my research into the Warburton surname. I have been researching the Warburton surname, world-wide, since 2006. This type of research is called a one-name study, and I am a member of the Guild of One-Name Studies, London, England.

I am retired, so I can devote a fair amount of time to researching the Warburton surname. However I can’t succeed without help, so contibutions are welcome. In the section Invitation to Participate below I will describe my project in more detail, and then list the ways someone could contribute.


31 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Ray
    I am a Warburton through my mother who descends from the Weaverham clan. My cousin John is currently researching our tree. I have always been fascinated by family history and would like to follow your findings and add in any of my own.

  2. Hi, I am connected to the Warburton’s from my Mother’s side. My great-grandmother was Martha Warburton who married Abijah Robbins. My 4th great-grandfather was John Warburton, born 1766 in Cheshire, England. I have had my DNA done through Ancestry.com and have connected with a couple relatives on this side of the tree. I am very interested in the information you have gathered on the Warburton’s. Thanks for allowing me to subscribe to your site.

    1. Welcome Linda,

      I would be interested in your DNA result. You can email me direct by clicking on my picture. When I get a minute I will see if I can find your ancestors.


    2. That’s interesting, my 4x and 5x great grandfather were also John warburton from Cheshire I wonder if they’re linked with yours? . They owned mills and were gentleman who threw parties for royalty at the races. My grandad took his stepdads name coomber but my blood name is warburton for your info.

  3. Still looking to find the Warburtons from Haslingden; particularly, the branch who were mill owners, in the town.

    1. Hi Chris,

      You should find the mill owners in my Edenfield’in clan. They were not one of the original Haslingden families but arrived in the 19th century. Email me if you need more.

    2. Hi Chris, I am one of the Haslingden clan, my g/grandfather (John Warburton) owned warburton mill, and my g/uncle (Albert) owned Flash mill.

  4. Ray can you use my new email addy regarding dna as my old one i can only get on my phone now thx Robert.

  5. Hi, just signed up. I am looking for a connection in Cheshire between the Warburtons, Duckenfields, and Barber/Barbour families. Charles and John Barber/Barbour immigrated to the United States late 1600s to early 1700s. Charles was called, along with Luke Warburton, if I remember correctly, the ‘kinsmen’ of William Duckenfield, younger brother of Baronet Nathaniel Duckenfield. I have seen some records in Cheshire of a Warburton Barbour. However, I have not gleaned enough information concerning the various families (due to access) to be able to connect. I descend from Charles’ brother John Barber/Barbour of Bertie County, North Carolina. There may also be a brother named William, but thats up in the air right now. Any help you can give me would be appreciated!

    1. Chris Barber – New Zealand
      Our Barber family tree which was compiled about 1830 by our English relatives, shows we are descended from William Barber, a cloth merchant from Dublin. He had a brother called John Barber.
      William Barber had a son called Joseph who was born in 1706 in Ireland (I have his portrait) He was a publisher and book seller and had a private (fee paying) library. He could converse in French so we speculate his father William was a Hugenot refugee. His name (Joseph Barber’s) was changed from Barbour to Barber by design or by accident ( registry office clerk )we do not know. By 1749 Joseph was in business in Newcastle on Tyne. As Joseph probably made his own paper using water power, we suspect he left Ireland about 1749 because the great freeze, caused by clouds from a massive volcanic eruption in Russia, froze all the creeks. Many of Joseph Barber’s descendants became artists and my son and niece earn a living as “artists”.
      It is conceivable that my ancestor William was the brother of Charles and John and that they were all Hugenots who left France in the 1690s

  6. Summaries and Excerpts:
    Colonial Bertie County, North Carolina Deed Books A – H, 1720-1757, by Bell, originally printed 1963; reprint 1977 Southern Historical Press, Easley, South Carolina:
    page 84, Book C, 279: Charles Barber witnesses deed of John Rasberry & wife to John Cricket.
    page 96-97, Book D, 59: Charles Barber took up a patent on Cuckall Makers Creek before 27 April 1734. 200 acres of this Patent evidently was sold by Charles to Thomas Ryan, who in 27 April 1734 sold it to John Penny (See Book D, 55, 27 April 1734, Charles Barbor/Barber to Thomas Ryan).
    page 97, Book D, 70: 8 May 1734. Thomas Sutton & wife Judith to John Leurton. Land on Cypress Meadow adjoining Duckingfield.
    page 211, Book G, 342: John Hurst or Husk to William Barber. 12 Feb 1751. Witnessed by Charles Barber. Says Proved Feb Court 1750.
    page 245, Book H, 272: 8 Jan 1756. William Barber & wife Alless to John Hurst.
    page 245, Book H, 279: 3 April 1756. Samuel Ormes to William Ball. Land is in Gum Swamp adjoining Nathaniel Duckenfield, deceased, among others.

    William Duckenfield, son of Robert Duckenfield (Lt Colonel) and Martha Fleetwood, married 28 Nov 1694 to Susannah (Garraway) Hartley, widow of Francis Hartley. William Duckenfield died between 17 May 1720- 27 Feb 1721 Chowan County, North Carolina. He moved to North Carolina Colony before June 1683 from Cheshire, England. In 1694 he lived at Little River, Perquimans, North Carolina. In 1699 he moved to Salmon Creek, Chowan Precinct, now Bertie County, North Carolina. HIs WILL, dated 17 May 1720, Chowan County, North Carolina, declares he was formerly of Cheshire, Great Britain, but now of Chowan Precinct, North Carolina. He names: “My Loving Brother John Duckinfield”; “My Loving Cousin Charles Barber of North Carolina”; “My Loving Friend Edward Mosely”; “My Loving Cousin Nathaniel Duckenfield, son of my brother Sr Robert Duckenfeild, Baronet”; “My sd Kinsman Nathaniele Duckinfield” and his heirs “Mary, Anne, Susanna, Jane, Sarah, Katherine & Judith Duckenfield, the sisters of the sd Nathaniel of ye whole blood”; Appoints sd Nathaniel Duckenfield as Executor of his will; Says he is executor of the Will of John Arderne, late of NOrth Carolina, bearing date ye 22 October 1707″; then he calls the sisters of Nathaniel Duckenfield, afore named, his NIECES; Witnessed by Thomas AShley, Jno Powell, Benj’n Soames, John Cherryholme, John Duckenfield, and Ed Mosely. Will was proven 27 February 1721 by THomas Ashley and John Cherryholme. Recorded in Will Book 2, page 311, Office of the Secretary of State. (North Carolina Wills And Inventories, copied from original and recorded wills and Inventories In the Office of the Secretary of State, by J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State, Published 1912.

  7. Charles Barber/Barbour also witnessed John Arderne’s Will.
    John Arderne’s Will: Arderne, John.

    October 22, 1707. May 17, 1712. Kinsman: William Duckenfield
    (tract of land known by name of Salmon Creek, “all negro. Indian, molato
    slaves, all horse.s, mares, cobbs, cattle, hoggs, young and old, and everything
    else in America, England , or any other part of the world.”) Executor: Wil-
    liam Duckenfield, Esq. Witnesses: Henry Ly.sle, Tho. Arnold, Geo.
    Blainye, Charles Barbour, John Talor.

  8. Above Will, and this one below is taken from:
    Full text of “Abstracts of North Carolina Wills”,

    DucKENFiELD, Nathaniel. Utkintoii, in the County of

    Chester, England.
    July 4, 1746. January Court, 1756. Wife and Executrix: Margret
    (lands in County of Chester during widowhood, leasehold estate in Lud-
    gate Street, London). Friend and Executor: Joseph Collet, merchant of
    London (lands in North Carolina to be sold and proceeds applied according
    to directions). Brother and Executor: John Chorley. Nephew: John
    Chorley (son of sister, Jane Chorley). Nephew and Executor: Samuel

    As I understand, the Baronets Duckenfield were:
    Sir Robert Dukinfield, 1st Baronet (1642-1729; created 1665); Sir Charles Dukinfield, 2nd Baronet (1670-1742); Sir William Dukinfield-Daniel, 3rd Baronet (1725-1758); Sir Samuel Dukinfield, 4th Baronet (1716-1768); Sir Nathaniel Dukinfield, 5th Baronet (1746-1824); Sir John Lloyd Dukinfield, 6th Baronet (1785-1836); and Sir Henry Robert Dukinfield, 7th Baronet (1791-1858), at his death the Baronetcy became extinct. So, according to the Will of William Duckenfield, Sir Robert, 1st Baronet is his brother.

    I was wrong about Luke Warburton being named in it. But he is named in a document elsewhere, which I will try to find. The Warburtons also intermarried with the Bentleys or Smithwicks of Bertie County, North Carolina.

  9. Here is at least one record that I think is actually Warburton:

    Source: Province of North Carolina 1663-1729 Abstracts of Land Patents, by Hofmann:
    page 285: Robert Walberton – 1 March 1719/20. Chowan Precinct. Land adjoins, among others, John Smythwick, and Edward Smythwick.

  10. Hi Ray,

    I’ve just discovered your website, you have an amazing amount of information.

    My 4x great grandmother was Elizabeth Warburton, she married Henry Robinson in 1831, at St Elphin, Warrington. Henry was born in 1807 in Warrington. So far I haven’t been able to trace Elizabeth’s parents or her date of birth, so I have more research to do.

  11. Thankyou ray first time I’ve looked up my family history I’ve read a lot about the origins of the warburtons but haven’t much of a clue where to start to see how far I can go back from me and if I’m linked to the Cheshire warburton as my dad was from Ireland but granddad was from Kent or at least my great grand father was all I know is he was in the army or army musical band conuctor I think how would I start to trace my line.I know wen I was a kid there was a man got in touch with me dad said he was waiting a book on us all but I’m going back maybe 25 / 30 yrs would much appreciate some guidance if it’s not to rude to ask thankyou Alan warburton

    1. Hi Alan,

      The first thing is to try and find as many birth, death, and marriage certificates, or at least the index entries, for your Warburton ancestors (father, grandfather etc) As you can. The first objective is to find your ancestors in censuses, or the 1939 register. Second is to see if I have any of your ancestors in my combined index, but I don’t include living people in trees, and often don’t get passed the 1911 census, or maybe even that far.

  12. My grandfather’s mother was Catherine( Cath) Warburton (1844-1912), daughter of Robert Warburton (1805-1875) and Jane Root (1815-1884).

    I would like to know more about them. They lived in the villages of Countesthorpe and Wigston in Leicestershire.

    In addition: Robert’s grandfather William(1758-1800) and William’s brothers, John (1754-1800) and Benjamin (1762-1800) all died on the same day: Dec 15. I have been unable to find out way. Do you have any information, please.

  13. Is there a Leicestershire Clan?
    I am wondering why the Warburtons in my family history moved to the Leicester area and became Framework Knitters

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