Welcome to the Warburton Website

Welcome to the Warburton Website, which includes my Warburton One-Name Study, and Warburton DNA Project. To learn more about this site please visit the various sub-pages under the About menu item.

I hope you will find this site useful in your own studies of Warburton family history. You are invited to subscribe to receive notifications of future Posts about my research, future site updates, or anything else of interest.

The Warburton DNA Project enhances the knowledge gained from traditional genealogical research. For example about half of all Warburtons belong to one of two groups, one descended from a Norman knight, the other from a Saxon inhabitant of the village of Warburton. Several smaller groups have also been identified. My DNA Project has devised a low cost strategy to determine if you belong to one of these groups, so please contact me (click my picture to the right) if you are interested.

The site includes a Contact Me page. I welcome questions, comments, and anything you have which may enhance the site. There is also a Reach Out page for you to submit anything you would like to me to share with Subscribers via a Post.

Ray Warburton


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I was contacted by Mary’s 3 x great granddaughter Sandra Lindsay, who is seeking information about her. If anyone can add to the information below please contact me via Comments, the Contact Form, or replying to the Post notification email.

Mary was born in 1806 at The Cape of Good Hope, South Africa…


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Bishop Charles Warburton’s Mourning Ring

I was contacted the other day by Karen Deakin. Karen is an Antique Jewellery Dealer in Sydney, Australia and she recently acquired a Mourning Ring dated 1826 and inscribed:

  • Charles, Bishop of Cloyne Ob 9 Aug.t 1826
  • Selina Warburton Ob 12 Mar 1826

The item is described on her website, including the results of her research into the ring, which she tells me she enjoyed very much. There is one small error in her research where Charles is confused with his brother John, but it is otherwise a very full account. However there is no explanation as to how the ring ended up in Australia and came to be on the market.

I’m not sure if any of the Australian descendants of Charles or his brother would want to buy the ring (it’s not cheap), but the fact of its existence is news to me. Maybe someone knows more about its history.


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DNA Sale and Family Finder

I said I would not be announcing new DNA Sales. However I just received a communication from FTDNA regarding their current Father’s Day Sale (which runs until June 17th). They say:

“we wanted to make everyone aware that FTDNA’s inexpensive Family Finder test now includes a Y-DNA Haplogroup, and is on sale for just $59”. 

I don’t know if the SNPs identified would be recent enough to indicate probable membership of one of the Warburton family groups.

Has anyone out there got a Y-cromosome haplogroup indication from a Family Finder test who could enlighten me? Or who fancies doing a Family Finder to find out?


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Ethelwyn Warburton

In May 2023 I posted the story of Percy Warburton and LS Lowry. It featured the following interaction with Percy’s daughter Ethelwyn:

The schoolgirl’s verdict on L. S. Lowry’s painting career was withering. “You can’t be very famous,” the girl told one of Britain’s best-known artists of the 20th century. “No one at school has ever heard of you.”
Ethelwyn Warburton’s gibe prompted Lowry to ask to borrow her paintbox, which he used to create, in about 5 minutes, what may have been his first watercolour. A Group of Five Figures, painted in 1952

Painting by L. S. Lowry

painted for Ethelwyn Warburton with her own watercolours

I was recently contacted by Janet Hulge nee Lees who sent me the following photograph.

Bury Grammar School for Girls Lower VIth

Ethelwyn Warburton is in the middle of the back row. Janet Lees is next to her, 3rd from the right

Janet told me how she came to contact me, and her relationship with Ethelwyn:


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Radcliffe Clan Extension

Last December I added a Paper to the Papers Page called The Warburtons of Swindon which was sent to me by Robert Duncan Warburton. It detailed the descendants of Manoah Warburton of the Radcliffe clan who, like many of his descendants, worked for Great Western Railways at Swindon. Robert is his great grandson. I have now added all these descendants, including 20 new Warburtons and their spouses, to the Radcliffe Clan tree.

At the same time….


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FamilyTreeDNA continue to offer DNA Sales on a regular basis. The latest runs to April 25th offering $50 off BigY-700 and $20 off Y37. It also offers an interesting deal on bundles. If you were interested in bundling a Family Finder test with a BigY-700 the saving is $119, or in other words there is still a $40 saving on the BigY and you get Family Finder for free.

The number of new members joining the Warburton DNA Project has tailed off recently….


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A Frodsham Family

As a result of recent investigations into the identity of the Alicia Warburton who sponsored Terence Charles Mongan’s name change to Charles Mongan Warburton, a lot of information was collected on William Warburton, distiller of Drury Lane, and his family ……… the information gathered maps out a family from Frodsham, and I have now published a new tree, report and chart called the Frodsham Family, and added it to the Clans Page.


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Two Shakespearean Actors

Elaine Hopper alerted me to two Shakespearean actors who were both members of Frank Benson’s Shakespearian Company at Stratford-upon-Avon prior to the First World War. They were also contemporaries who at least once appeared on the same playbill.

The first was Edward Augustus Warburton (1867-1914) of the Mongan clan….


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